Welcome to the SSS Recompression Chamber Network
The SSS Recompression Chamber Network has agreed to provide operational, Medical and technical training to all affiliated Hyperbaric recompression chamber companies.
Legal Framework
On being accepted as part of the SSS Recompression Chamber network, the SSS Network will liaise with the Director of any accepted Hyperbaric company for the sole purpose of ensuring legality of operation.
Each affiliated company must prove beyond a doubt that its enterprise is bona fide and that the governing laws of each country are satisfied to the letter of the law.
Medical Training
Dive Medical Technicians
It is our Goal that all Dive Medical Technicians (DMT's) employed by our affiliated Companies be trained in reputable schools/hospitals. To this end we have selected:
1. The DDRC (Diving Disease Research Center) in the UK,
2. The Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia, and
3. Hyperbarics International (of Key Largo, Florida).
The SSS Recompression Chamber Network has also initiated a program to educate and teach selected local Doctors from the surrounding hospitals in ALL the regions and countries that we operate in.
Emphasis is placed on the recognition and diagnosis of diving illnesses.
We will ensure that any Doctor representing the SSS Network must be scheduled to complete a DMO (Dive Medical Officer) course at an accredited and reputable center.
Further, in recognition of that training we have asked the selected doctors and the chamber medics to tour the various dive centers in each of our operating countries giving at no cost to the attendees medical lectures on recognition and appropriate first aid treatment for diving accidents.
Divemasters and diving instructors, who are always the first on the scene of any diving accident, should know the appropriate action to take so that they can help activate the response/rescue system for the area.
Several doctors have been sent out to our affiliated locations at our expense to lecture and train affiliated company personnel and interested dive center operators and their personnel. To re-enforce this knowledge we have, in the past, used the services of esteemed Doctors to come for in-site lectures, free of charge to participants:
Prof. Cali-Corleo - Director DAN Europe, Malta
Prof. E. Cuauhtemoc Sanchez R. - Director DAN Mexico, Regional Representative of the UHMS Latin America Chapter.
Dr Maurice Cross - Doctor of Hyperbaric Medicine and founder of the DDRC (Diving Diseases Research Centre) in the UK.
Prof. Folke Linde - Doctor of Hyperbaric Medicine at the Karolinska Institute of Medicine in Stockholm, Sweden.
Dr Chris Acott - Doctor of Hyperbaric Medicine at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia.
Dr. David Elliott - Diving Medicine Specialist and prolific author in this field.
Dr. Alf Brubak - Diving Medical Researcher and Professor at the University of Trondheim, Norway.
Technical Training
The SSS Recompression Chamber Network has its own in-house specialist hyperbaric technical consultants who are responsible for ensuring that each affiliated Hyperbaric company maintains its facilities to standards as laid out by the SSS Chamber Network.
SSS may also provide third party independent technical inspectors to evaluate a facility and its operational readiness at certain intervals.
Our affiliated chambers have passed third party chamber inspections by Lexmar engineering - Singapore; Prof. Ramiro Cali-Carleo Dan - Europe; Mr. Ruben Campuzano - College of Oceaneering, Los Angeles; Francois Burman, the editor of a field guide for risk assessment of recompression facilities based in South Africa and DAN South Africa representative; Dick Rutkowski, founder and president of Hyperbarics International, Key Largo, Florida.
Our complete system strives to comply with a consensus from leading world practice and standards.
DAN's Project "Dive Safety"
DAN's project "Dive Safety" is an ambitious effort to gather the data on 1 million recreational dives for the purpose of creating the most reliable data base for future recommendations for dive tables, accident prevention and management, best treatment protocols, etc. Some staff of SSS' Affiliates has been trained in the gathering of data from participants in this project.
SSS member facilities are also involved in the "Chamber Treatment Universal Reporting Program", reporting each and every diver-accident (DIRF) that qualifies as a subject for the annual "DAN Diving Injuries & Fatalities Report".
This information can be used to spot trends and draw conclusions about diving related illnesses throughout the various parts of the world.
While SSS currently is not conducting any independent research, the diligent collation of information surrounding each diving accident and the way that we selflessly pass this data on to the bodies that require it for their studies makes us an integral part of diving-related injury research.
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